About Ancient Ghosts and Green Heart Songs

Ancient Ghosts and Green Heart Songs is a personal anthology of poems, songs, hymns, and music begun around 1995 as a kind of journal. The theme is very simple--celebration of my family, my grandparents and parents, my brothers, my husband and daughter, and an expression of gratitude to God for them, and for my Christian Faith and Irish heritage. Some are deeply sad while others are joyful. Some are prayers and others laments, or even protest against abuse. They are all born of love, of pain, of grief, and of profound Faith. The anthology will be complete when I return home...

Ancient Ghosts...some songs



In the most loving memory of Ellen "Nellie Farrell" Daly known to her grandchildren as



As with so many thousands of others, Nin had to emigrate to the United States

 because of poverty in Ireland.  In 1897, at the age of 13 she left her home

in Edgeworthstown, County Longford, Ireland with her 15 year old sister Bridget

on an ocean liner for for New York City to begin life in a new world.


These are the feelings of grief...





Da! Da!  We'll say good bye to Ireland

and we'll say goodbye to you.


The years have passed so quickly, Da,

since our Mamai died.

we never thought we'd lose her, Da,

nor the baby by her side.


Oh Father, must we say goodbye?

our young hearts burn with pain.

and will we ever see you, Da?

will we come home again?


What poverty afflicts our lives

what evil in our land

that we two girls must leave you, Da?

our parting is at hand.




We'll miss our brothers and our home

this farm is all we know.

Oh Father, hold us close once more

for now we both must go.


We were but children yesterday

playing on this farm.

and you would work here by our side

keeping us from harm.


Bridget is but fifteen years

and I three years behind.

Oh Father, kiss away our tears

for life now proves unkind.




We won't forget your loving ways

nor how hard you tried

raising seven of us here

since our sweet mother died.


America is far away

(three thousand miiles, we hear)

and Father, we have only felt

safe when you were near.


But we'll be brave as we depart

from Ireland and from you.

and Bridget will return one day

and your dear Nellie too.



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