About Ancient Ghosts and Green Heart Songs

Ancient Ghosts and Green Heart Songs is a personal anthology of poems, songs, hymns, and music begun around 1995 as a kind of journal. The theme is very simple--celebration of my family, my grandparents and parents, my brothers, my husband and daughter, and an expression of gratitude to God for them, and for my Christian Faith and Irish heritage. Some are deeply sad while others are joyful. Some are prayers and others laments, or even protest against abuse. They are all born of love, of pain, of grief, and of profound Faith. The anthology will be complete when I return home...

Ancient Ghosts...some songs


The Dawning of Christ

Christ has changed everthing!  
To redirect Yeats' poetic proclamation: "...changed utterly; a terrible Beauty is born!"

The Dawning of Christ

The dawning of Christ covers the land
In the Light of His Light we now understand
His Glory reflected in all that we see
The air that surrounds us, the Earth beneath me

The fire that warms us, the depth of the sea
The angels of heaven, the creatures we see.
All things are made through Him, O this I believe
And with Him and in Him, what God has conceived.

The Dawning of Christ hails a new day
That I might beginto live a new way
To go a step farther than I have before
To know in my heart the Christ I adore.

I know Christ in others who pass by my way
In those who will leave me, in those who will stay.
I know Christ in others who speak well of me
Or see me or hear me, It's Christ that I see.

Our people have always known God, in their hearts
And now, with Christ's coming, God's Grace to impart,
We're called to love others, uniting as one.
With Christ our new Dawn, all darkness is done.

Oh Christ of all nations, through Whom all things come,
You!  My salvation!  God's only Son,
Creator and Spirit I worship as One!
  Your people now greet You!  Our day is begun.

Copyright 1996, Cait Finnegan

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